As the In-House Creative Director, I steered the brand communication for Cynar with a surreal and fresh tone. We created online and offline campaigns, to cover a rebranding, educational campaigns about the products and we even had our own music festival to promote emerging bands and artists. To do so, we worked with diverse teams of designers, editors and illustrators.
During this time, we achieved a milestone of selling 1 million liters and increased brand awareness through educational product campaigns.
Summer Campaign: Take a break from what you always take.
Launch Campaign: An almost perfect drink.
Diferentiation Campaign: This, this & this.
Translation: This one has 16,5%; This one has 35%; And this one has like 55.
Translation: This one is good after work,; This one is good if you don't work tomorrow; And this one better get to work.
Translation: Buy this on a wednesday; buy this on a saturday; And never buy this.

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