This was a really, really stupid idea that somehow ended up shortlisted at the Cannes Festival of Creativity. Literally nuts.
It's based on that male insight of reaching to your private parts empathically when seeing someone else get hurt in that area.
It's based on that male insight of reaching to your private parts empathically when seeing someone else get hurt in that area.
So, we took the chance and made a bumper ad strategically placed in blooper videos that showed people getting hit in their testies, making them aware of testicular cancer and encouraging they check themselves for lumps as their hands where already there. The ad redirected to the DCI website, where it showed a step-by-step guide on how to self-test.
We had zero budget to make this (as you can tell), but nevertheless it made quite an impact when it was published.
Agency: Dhélet Y&R
Creative Team: Matías Winger & Ignacio Grosman
Creative Team: Matías Winger & Ignacio Grosman