Unicenter is one of the biggest malls in Buenos Aires, and for their christmas campaings they usually try to make an emotional impact on its consumers.
This year was no exception. We teamed up with "Proyecto 4 Patas", and decided to change a little bit what was going to be gifted on christmas.
This year you could give out a very special gift, a family to those left behind in pet adoption choices: adult dogs.
This year you could give out a very special gift, a family to those left behind in pet adoption choices: adult dogs.
The campaign had the best results in the history of the brand: They had +7000 more visits than last christmas and +200 adoption applications received. The best thing? All 17 dogs were adopted that year.
In social media you could choose the end of the story getting to know the dogs you could give a family to.
The campaign was also LOVED on social media. We couldn't have asked for more.
Agency: Don Buenos Aires
Creative Team: Matías Winger & Ignacio Grosman
Creative Team: Matías Winger & Ignacio Grosman